Archived Media
DreamWorks Spirit: Therapeutic Horseback Riding & Why It’s So Awesome! | THAT'S THE SPIRIT
Equestrian Living: Mention of GallopNYC on pg. 86
NYN Media Buzz: Feb. 27, 2018 – GallopNYC ... Immigrant Arts Coalition ... AmidaCare
New York Therapy Horses Are Helping Humans Fight Pain and Find Happiness
Nonprofit Uses Horseback Rides to Help Those With Special Needs and Disabilities
Ride with Pride: Therapeutic Horsemanship Program Helps Those With Disabilities
Rodgers & Hammerstein's OKLAHOMA! Trailer - St. Ann's Warehouse
Terapia a Todo Galope Para Discapacitados
Horse Riding School in Forest Hills Sold to Nonprofit That Helps Special Needs Individuals
It’s a G Thing: GallopNYC Offers Therapeutic Horseback Riding for Kids with Disabilities
OneonOne with Steve Adubato: GallopNYC Proves People Can Benefit from HorseTherapy
UnTacked: Charity Spotlight with GallopNYC
Horse around with GallopNYC in Lindenwood
VVHTV: The GallopNYC Equestrian Team at the Hampton Classic Horse Show
GallopNYC Lindenwood Open House an Unbridled Success
SZA Rides Horses & Shares The Inspiration Behind 'Ctrl' | IRL
Give Back for Special Equestrians Presents $10,000 Donation to GallopNYC