Dear Veterans, Come Hang Out with Our Horses Online!

Dear Veterans,

Come hang out with our horses online!

We’re so excited to be starting our first online Veterans Meetup group, a virtual space where veterans can get together for a few moments of connection during social distancing. We’ll be bringing one of our horses to the video chat every week, thanks to the camera work of our barn staff, and after a check-in, instructor Katie Murell will give a short equestrian lesson.

Even over video, horses offer a sense of peace and help ground us during difficult times. And we hope that the horse education will make it easier for you to join us at the barn once we are able to ride again.

We’ll share our resources here for anyone who would like to follow along.
Katie and I look forward to our time with you every Friday at 2pm – register for the Zoom chat here.


New York Horse Magazine: “The Enduring Power of Hope.”


The Garden’s Living Magazine: Changing Lives in Forest Park One Ride at a Time