GallopNYC Rides into Wellington, FL

A worthy cause, an engaged crowd, and a beautiful location –what a wonderful evening to celebrate the wonders of therapeutic riding and horsemanship! GallopNYC would like to extend a hearty thank you to everyone who attended the reception at Maxwell's Plum on March 30. We’re especially grateful to our amazing hosts and avid GallopNYC supporters, Amanda Cain, Constance Hunter, Jenny Oz LeRoy, and Judy Sloan.
GallopNYC Executive Director Marcos Stafne and Board Chair Sol Reischer were very thankful for the opportunity to introduce all of the guests to GallopNYC, New York City's premier therapeutic riding program, and to make many new friends. They also shared information about the upcoming GallopNYC Central Park Promenade on May 21.

Marcos Stafne, GallopNYC Executive Director, Sarah Maslin Nir, New York Times Journalist and author of "The Flying Horse," and Sol Reischer, GallopNYC Board Chairman. Photo by Snap Photography & Cinema
During the event, New York Times journalist and Pulitzer Prize finalist Sarah Maslin Nir discussed her latest book, "The Flying Horse," the first in a series of fictional middle-grade novels inspired by real horses and the people who love them.
“My new book "The Flying Horse" follows a girl, a lot like me, who struggles with a hidden disability, and the horse who heals her,” Maslin Nir said. “GallopNYC offers the healing power of horses to the most vulnerable New Yorkers every single day. It is an honor to support this incredible organization.”
"We had a great time introducing new friends to GallopNYC and visiting with supporters in Wellington," said GallopNYC Executive Director Marcos Stafne. "We are grateful to our hosts Amanda, Judy, Constance and Jenny, as well as our sponsors, for hosting a fantastic evening. Thank you to Sarah for her passion for our programming and her wonderful new book.”
Photos by Snap Photography & Cinema